Sunday, July 26, 2015

Do you have an interest in cancer?

I feel led to address cancer

Not because I have an answer. But because I believe that I have an understanding about cancer that could benefit my readers. My understanding has developed over 12 years of digging into the topic. I’ve attended sessions devoted to cancer, read dozens of books and articles, watched numerous webinars, and talked with medical researchers and natural health practitioners.

We all have cancer cells within our bodies at all times. Why do these cells progress to the level of “cancer” in some people and not in others? According to current statistics, one of every two men and one of every three women will get cancer during their lifetime.

The financial incentive not to get cancer is huge

A recent Wall Street Journal article (“Doctors Object to High Cancer Drug Prices,” July 25, 2015) reported on over 100 oncologists calling for new controls on soaring patient costs in the U.S. An editorial published in the Mayo Clinic medical journal reports that “the out-of-pocket costs are bankrupting many just as they’re fighting a deadly illness….About 10% to 20% of cancer patients don’t take their treatment as prescribed” the doctors say. “The average cost of new cancer drugs was more than $100,000 per year in 2012. Memorial Sloan Kettering forecasts that the annual costs could approach $300,000 per patient per year.”

It is much easier, and much less expensive, to reduce the chances of getting cancer than it is to fight cancer once it has developed in the body.

I will never get cancer

I strongly believe that I, personally, will never develop an internal “cancer.” I say “internal” because I once had skin cancer on my scalp, but I don’t have it anymore.

My confidence is based on
  •  the insights I’ve developed into the probable causes of cancer,
  •  the actions I take based on the above, and
  •  the apparent absence of cancer among a large number of associates and customers who actively consume key nutritional supplements.

I’ve put together a talk about reducing the risks of getting cancer. It has been well received by those who have heard it.   

This is the first in a series of blogs that will focus on cancer and how to reduce your chances of getting it. I hope you will find them helpful.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

How quickly are you aging?

“Investments in your health in middle age will have payoffs in old age.”

“What happens to us at the end of life has its roots many years prior.”

Those are key messages from “Calculate the Speed of Aging,” an article in the July 14, 2015, issue of the Wall Street Journal. The article further proclaims that the investments “should be in diet and exercise.”

Hooray for the Wall Street Journal! Of course, the messages are not from the writer of the article, but are quotes from researchers on aging from various institutions.

“Intervention to reverse or delay the march toward age-related diseases must be scheduled while people are still young,” is a quote, referenced by the article, from a study published on-line last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study strived to identify key factors that affect biological aging, which the researchers define as “the declining integrity of multiple systems.” (Aging experts say that, as yet, there is no standard clinical measure of biological age.)

The findings are from a study of 954 men and women of the same age. The objective was to calculate the individual aging rates by comparing various measurements of their health at ages 26, 32, and 38. The data came from a study being conducted in Dunedin, New Zealand, of a group of young people all born in 1972 or 1973.

The research team chose a set of 18 biomarkers that “tracked the function of organs such as the liver and kidneys, the immune and metabolism systems and dental health, among other measures.”

“Participants who showed accelerated aging in the biomarker tests also performed worse on other tests typically given to elderly people to gauge aging,” tests such as balance, coordination, grip strength, and cognitive abilities.

I give talks on aging. What I advocate is consistent with this research. But what I advocate is much more basic. It’s this:

·        The state of your health depends on the state of your functioning cells.
·        The body’s cells are constantly being damaged and the body is constantly repairing, replenishing, or replacing the damaged cells.
·        If your body is functioning optimally, your body will repair, replenish, or replace all malfunctioning cells.
·        Biological aging begins when the repair rate can no longer keep pace with the damage rate. 
·        Biological aging progresses as the percentage of malfunctioning cells gets larger.

To delay aging, our job is to reduce the rate of cellular damage and support the rate of cellular repair.

My talks are about what you can do to reduce the damage and to support the repair.

Diet, exercise, and lifestyle are critical. So are nutritional supplements.

Nutritional supplements can be highly effective in helping the body both reduce the rate of damage and support the repair rate. They are especially important as we get older, when the body’s ability to repair itself is in decline.

But I digress into topics that take hours to cover.

Here are a couple blogs that may interest you:

·        What is aging?
·        What causes aging?

Monday, July 13, 2015

A broad-spectrum physical fitness program

Physical fitness is one of the key ingredients of natural health. And it’s more than strength and stamina. It also involves flexibility and balance.

This fall, our church will be hosting a low impact fitness program led by our friend, Wanda Pearson. She calls the program 7.0 Fitness. Her program embodies all four, and more.

Balancing exercises
Matthew 12:33 says that a tree is known by its fruit. You must have a healthy tree to bear good fruit. An unhealthy tree bears poor fruit. This program strives to help people bear good fruit.

The human body is one of God’s marvelous creations. It is designed to operate continuously, every second of every day, for over 100 years. It is designed to heal itself. When we consume harmful foods or beverages, it will flush out the toxins.

The body will adapt to the conditions that we expose it to. If we demand strength, it will build strong muscles and bones. If we demand flexibility, it will develop flexible joints. If we demand stamina, it will develop endurance. If we don’t demand any of these, it will become soft, inflexible, and feeble… and aches and pains will set in.
Stretching Exercise

Individual goals of the fitness program are:
·        Improve muscle tone
·        Increase strength
·        Increase joint flexibility and range of motion
·        Improve balance

It is a low-impact program for people of all ages, including those with special needs, chronic illness, limited strength or mobility, and those recovering from surgery. No running. No heavy weights. No pushing the body to its limits.

More balance exercises
The program emphasizes:

  • Repetitive exercises with light weights that gradually build strength. 
  • Stretching that increases joint flexibility and range of motion and improves balance.
  • Breathing exercises that deliver life-giving oxygen to the core of our bodies.
  •  Keeping the body slightly alkaline, the ideal condition for the body’s cells.

The program is rounded out with prayer and scripture, wellness education, and fellowship.

Dottie and I have been active in this program for six months. Dottie, who can easily go into a migraine, claims that the neck stretching exercises have eased her neck and shoulder stress. Personally, I have much better flexibility and muscle tone.

To find out more about this program, send an e-mail to

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Insomnia--another tip

My wife’s insomnia seems to be persistent. She’s used both Spirulina and Stem-Kine, separately and together, as recommended in a previous blog. Until recently, they have been effective. But the insomnia has returned, in spite of taking both. 

One of our team members, Shonye Talor, who owns RenewU4Life, a natural health studio here in Houston, suggested that Dottie take Protivity an hour before bedtime. Protivity is RBC’s amino acid supplement. Shonye claimed that it would help and it did!

Protivity is a LARGE tablet, and the label recommends taking five tablets a day.
Dottie tried one tablet the first night and she slept better. So she gradually increased the amount until she takes the labeled amount. She now sleeps soundly and throughout the night. Thank you, Shonye!

Dottie still takes the Spirulina and Stem-Kine at bedtime in addition to the Protivity.

But the size of the Protivity tablet is a problem for her, so I now pulverize the Protivity in a blender. I do about a third of a bottle at a time, because the Protivity turns into a very fine powder. (Covering the lid of the blender with a dish towel traps any powder that escapes around the lid.)  A little less than a tablespoonful is equivalent to five tablets.

Dottie mixes the powder in water. It dissolves slowly and much stirring is needed.

As a side note, I have added Protivity tablets to smoothies. They blend in easily and have hardly any effect on the taste. It’s a great way to include free-form amino acids in your diet.