Monday, July 13, 2015

A broad-spectrum physical fitness program

Physical fitness is one of the key ingredients of natural health. And it’s more than strength and stamina. It also involves flexibility and balance.

This fall, our church will be hosting a low impact fitness program led by our friend, Wanda Pearson. She calls the program 7.0 Fitness. Her program embodies all four, and more.

Balancing exercises
Matthew 12:33 says that a tree is known by its fruit. You must have a healthy tree to bear good fruit. An unhealthy tree bears poor fruit. This program strives to help people bear good fruit.

The human body is one of God’s marvelous creations. It is designed to operate continuously, every second of every day, for over 100 years. It is designed to heal itself. When we consume harmful foods or beverages, it will flush out the toxins.

The body will adapt to the conditions that we expose it to. If we demand strength, it will build strong muscles and bones. If we demand flexibility, it will develop flexible joints. If we demand stamina, it will develop endurance. If we don’t demand any of these, it will become soft, inflexible, and feeble… and aches and pains will set in.
Stretching Exercise

Individual goals of the fitness program are:
·        Improve muscle tone
·        Increase strength
·        Increase joint flexibility and range of motion
·        Improve balance

It is a low-impact program for people of all ages, including those with special needs, chronic illness, limited strength or mobility, and those recovering from surgery. No running. No heavy weights. No pushing the body to its limits.

More balance exercises
The program emphasizes:

  • Repetitive exercises with light weights that gradually build strength. 
  • Stretching that increases joint flexibility and range of motion and improves balance.
  • Breathing exercises that deliver life-giving oxygen to the core of our bodies.
  •  Keeping the body slightly alkaline, the ideal condition for the body’s cells.

The program is rounded out with prayer and scripture, wellness education, and fellowship.

Dottie and I have been active in this program for six months. Dottie, who can easily go into a migraine, claims that the neck stretching exercises have eased her neck and shoulder stress. Personally, I have much better flexibility and muscle tone.

To find out more about this program, send an e-mail to

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