Snoring is
common for people who are over-weight.
I’ve been
there. And then I lost enough weight so it wasn’t a problem anymore.
But I’m there
again. And I hate it when my snoring keeps my wife from getting a good night’s
Take last
night, for instance. I’d been sleeping soundly on my left side for almost two
hours when my wife woke me to tell me I was snoring.
It didn’t
particularly bother me that she woke me up. But it did bother me that I was
Even though
I’m over-weight again (only slightly, I might add), I hardly ever snore when
I’m sleeping on my side. So being told I was snoring was a bit upsetting to me.
And I didn’t like her proposed solution—“put another pillow under your
head.” I’ve tried that and I get a pain
in my neck when I use another pillow.
I was awake
enough to observe that one of my nostrils was totally plugged.
I must tell
you—that is not common for me. For the last 12 years, since I began taking
daily nutritional supplements, I almost always sleep throughout the night with
both nostrils open and clear.
I’ve come to
recognize that for me a plugged nostril at night is almost always a sign of
sinus problems. Another sign is a cough. If I’m sleeping on my back and I have
to cough, it’s almost always due to a sinus drip in my throat. And if I don’t
deal with the sinus drip, it WILL develop into a sore throat.
At the first
sign of sinus problems, I take about 1500 mgs of vitamin C. I’ll do it again every
two hours as long as the sinus problems persist.
I go through
the sinus season without any problems while my friends complain about theirs.
Yet they are not interested in what I do. They are more comfortable with their
So last night
I got up and took about 1500 mg of Vitamin C. My left nostril opened up within
about 10 minutes and both nostrils were open throughout the rest of the night.
I didn’t get
another complaint about my snoring even though I didn’t use an extra pillow.
I take a
plant-based form of Vitamin C called Phyto-Cee. I find that it works much
better than the more common ascorbic acid form.