Sunday, November 30, 2014

Osteoporosis recovery

Dottie had osteoporosis brought on by an over-aggressive parathyroid gland.

Her doctor put her on Fosamax, a drug that raises bone density. One of the (side) effects of Fosamax is hardening of the bones, which increases their brittleness to the point where they may shatter on impact.  The medical community calls this osteonecrosis. Osteonecrosis can be a real problem for dentistry, leading to shattering of the jaw when subjected to drilling.

Worrying about the prospect of brittle bones, Dottie chose to stop taking Fosamax after being on it for 8 years. For another 6 years, she was off of all drugs and her bone density was gradually deteriorating, even though she was taking a number of nutritional supplements that support bone density.

Then she added Stem-Kine to her regimen. After only 9 months on Stem-Kine her doctor declared she no longer had osteoporosis.

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