Monday, September 29, 2014

Guidelines for Healthy Choices

1.    Consume only things that are good for you.
·        (The body can tolerate harmful things done in moderation, but why test its limits?)
2.    Put on your skin only things that are good for you.
·        (60% of what you put on your skin enters your bloodstream. Many creams have preservatives that are harmful.)
3.    Keep your body pH within 6.5-7.5.
·        (people 40 years old and older tend to become acidic)
4.    Reduce consumption of sugars, foods high in sugar content, and foods that rapidly turn to sugar (high glycemic).
·        (Americans take in too much sugar, which leads to excess weight and blood sugar issues.)
5.    Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates (raw vegetables).
·        (Raw vegetables are packed with good nutrients and the enzymes to digest them.
·        Complex carbohydrates provide glucose to the body without creating an insulin spike.)
6.    Make demands on your body—exercise and perform physical labor.
·        Our bodies were designed to be used. Lack of use causes the body to atrophy.
7.    Drink plenty of water
·        (Coffee, tea, sodas, and flavored drinks do not count. You must drink water)
·        The best water contains trace minerals and has a neutral pH.
8.    Periodically cleanse your liver, kidneys, colon, and cells.
·        Toxins accumulate in the liver, kidneys, colon, and cells. A periodic cleansing reduces the damage done by toxins to the body.
9.    Take nutritional supplements. (Processed foods are woefully deficient in nutritional content. Fresh fruits and vegetables picked before they are ripe, which most of them are, are also deficient.)
·        Vitamins and minerals (food-based are better)
·        Essential fats and oils (especially omega 3)
·        Anti-oxidants (to neutralize free radicals)
·        Concentrates of complex carbohydrates
·        Digestive enzymes
·        Probiotics
10. Get adequate sleep
·        The body repairs itself most effectively during sleep.
·        Not enough sleep can lead to blood sugar issues
11. Develop a network of advisors on healthy living.
·        To make choices that are healthy, you need access to people who can explain your options and their consequences.
12. Cultivate a circle of friends who are committed to a healthy lifestyle.
·        It’s more fun to associate with people who believe as you do.

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