Thursday, January 15, 2015


What is inflammation? Is it a disorder that needs to be treated?

The signs of inflammation are usually swelling, warmth, and sensitivity. The swelling can lead to pain, if the swollen tissue presses against a nerve; or to heart problems, if the swelling occurs inside a blood vessel.

What causes inflammation? Most, if not all, inflammation is the body’s response to damaged cells and tissues. When cells are damaged, immune system cells collect at the site and send out signals for other cells needed to deal with the damage and the possible health threats. Loss of blood? Seal off the damaged area. Infectious organisms? Attack and destroy them. Irreparable cells? Digest them, send the waste to the blood stream and rebuild new cells. This activity floods the damaged site with cells, resulting in swelling and warming of the area.

Inflammation is handled by the medical community as a problem to be treated with drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or pain killers.

If inflammation is the body’s natural response to tissue damage, how about addressing the tissue damage, instead?

“How can I deal with tissue damage?” you may ask.

The answer is simple. Make more stem cells available. Stem cells are the basic building block for the body to repair or replace damaged cells.

“How can I make more stem cells available?” you ask.

Take Stem-Kine®. It’s a plant-based nutritional supplement that nurtures your own bone marrow to make more stem cells available. Up to 100% more. And it works.

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