Thursday, January 29, 2015

Are you concerned about out-living your money?

A friend of mine who sells insurance asks people who have reached retirement age what their greatest concern is. The most common answer: outliving their money.

I can relate to that. I’m 74. My wife, Dottie, is 70. We have modest savings and monthly income. Medicare is our health insurance.

Our goals are to be physically, mentally, and financially independent until we die.
So what are the prospects for people our age?

Living expenses go down. Housing, food, entertainment, automobile, clothing, and family expenses are all less.

Health-related expenses go up. It’s the stage of life when sickness and disorders are common. Medical expenses are the most common reason for personal bankruptcy for people in retirement.

And unless you’re personally very wealthy, you, too, can be a victim.

The most feared problem is cancer.

According to Dr. Suni Pai, the total cost for treating cancer from Stage I through Stage IV ranges from $320,000 to $1.4 million per patient. That’s for the first occurrence. If the patient survives, there is a 50% to 80% chance of recurrence within five years. Even the best insurance requires a copay of 10 to 20 percent.

That would bankrupt us. I suspect we’re the norm, not the exception.

So what is the chance of getting cancer? The most common claims are that one of every two males will get cancer during their lifetime. For females, it’s one of every three. That’s 50% for men, 33% for women. For a married couple, that’s an 83% chance that one of them will get cancer during their lifetimes.

My wife and I have never had cancer. For us to remain physically and financially independent, not getting cancer is critical.

I am personally confident that we will not get cancer. In my 12 years of researching natural health, I am convinced that we know enough about cancer to drive the chance of getting it to near zero.

But to do that requires adjusting one’s lifestyle, including taking nutritional supplements.  And their costs are not covered by insurance. That becomes an issue for people who are concerned about outliving their money.

So we’re faced with a choice. Do we spend money now to stay physically independent, or not spend money and risk getting cancer? We choose to spend the money. Without taking action, the risk of getting cancer is too high and the costs are too great.

Our decision is easier because we believe that God will provide for our needs. Good stewardship requires us to take care of our bodies. How can we do otherwise? 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Pain is your body screaming that something is wrong!

Taking a pain killer presumes that the body will correct the problem and the pain will go away in due time.

But what if the pain is brought on by a chronic disorder?

In that case, the pain will not go away until the chronic disorder is resolved.

What are the causes of pain?

Pain is a response to something affecting a nerve.

One possible cause of pain can be spinal misalignment putting pressure on a nerve as it exits the spinal column. In such cases, the pain can be felt anywhere in the body, not just in the back. If you suspect spinal misalignment, I suggest that you see a good chiropractor.

A second possible cause of pain is inflammation of nearby tissue putting pressure on the nerve. If you suspect that inflammation may be the cause of your pain, I suggest that you read my blog on inflammation. You can get to it by clicking here.

A third possible cause of pain is the nerve itself being attacked. It can be attacked by a pathogen or by the body’s own immune system.

If you suspect a pathogen, such as a virus or bacteria, a natural response is to provide your body with products that reinforce the immune system and suppress the pathogen.

Colloidal silver has been recognized for millennia for its ability to fight infection. The Roman army put silver coins in its water supply to keep it pure. Colloidal silver does not kill bacteria or viruses, but it prevents them from multiplying, allowing your immune system to destroy those that do get into your system. AND it does not interfere with the good bacteria in your body. I like RBC Life’s Silver 22 because its nano particle size allows the silver to get to the pathogens wherever they are in the body. I take three to four teaspoons a day when I’m fighting an infection.

Another known anti-pathogen is olive leaf extract. The olive tree is the oldest living organism on the earth. Some olive trees are over 4000 years old. Scientists believe that the reason for their longevity is found in the leaves. They have discovered that olive leaf extract is a strong antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant. But its taste is very bitter. RBC Life has formulated a liquid supplement that is rich in olive leaf extract but tastes good. It’s called OliViva. I take a half ounce every day for prevention, but up that to 3-4 ounces a day when I’m fighting an infection.

What about the immune system? Whether the immune system is underactive, leading to frequent and lingering infections, or overactive, leading to allergies or auto-immune disorders, it can be brought into balance with VitAloe, Immune 360, and TruAloe nutritional supplements from RBC Life. I’ll write more about these in a subsequent blog.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


What is inflammation? Is it a disorder that needs to be treated?

The signs of inflammation are usually swelling, warmth, and sensitivity. The swelling can lead to pain, if the swollen tissue presses against a nerve; or to heart problems, if the swelling occurs inside a blood vessel.

What causes inflammation? Most, if not all, inflammation is the body’s response to damaged cells and tissues. When cells are damaged, immune system cells collect at the site and send out signals for other cells needed to deal with the damage and the possible health threats. Loss of blood? Seal off the damaged area. Infectious organisms? Attack and destroy them. Irreparable cells? Digest them, send the waste to the blood stream and rebuild new cells. This activity floods the damaged site with cells, resulting in swelling and warming of the area.

Inflammation is handled by the medical community as a problem to be treated with drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or pain killers.

If inflammation is the body’s natural response to tissue damage, how about addressing the tissue damage, instead?

“How can I deal with tissue damage?” you may ask.

The answer is simple. Make more stem cells available. Stem cells are the basic building block for the body to repair or replace damaged cells.

“How can I make more stem cells available?” you ask.

Take Stem-Kine®. It’s a plant-based nutritional supplement that nurtures your own bone marrow to make more stem cells available. Up to 100% more. And it works.